by Admin | Dec 10, 2016 | Education, News
Story Source: SHTFPlan | Mac Slavo Unfortunately, it is already underway in Venezuela. Of course there is a higher standard of living in the United States overall, but tens of millions of people are already on the edge of poverty and tens of millions more can be...
by Admin | Dec 3, 2016 | Education, News
source: ZeroHedge | Tyler Durden Venezuela is deep into the death spiral, and things are likely to get worse before they get better. As the South American nation’s paper currency continues to lose value with each passing day, the people of Venezuela are forced to...
by Admin | Dec 3, 2016 | Education, News
NewsMax | John Mauldin We must deal with the debt if we are going to survive. We have two options: Simply stop spending or grow the economy. “Stop spending” is easier said than done. And boosting growth is going to be difficult too. Total debt this year rose by...
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