Breaking News! 2/24!

Harald Seiz, CEO and Founder of Karatbars International was appointed Senator by the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade (BWA). goal of Harald Seiz is to develop innovations on the subject...

Questions & Answers From Our Readers

Questions and Answers From Readers by Jim Sinclair’s MindSet – Feb 15th – Topics include; gold, silver, real estate and mortgages, market manipulation and systemic failure. Several high octane questions were taken such as why do they stick their necks out...

Breaking the ice 101

Having trouble breaking the ice about this awesome oportunity with others you know?Don’t worry, being nervous is normal, but you cant be afraid!Ask yourself this? Would you be timid to tell someone about that new movie you just saw?Exactly… Heres a few...

Motivation is KEY

"You may only succeed if you desire succeeding; you may only fail if you do not mind failing. "- PhilipposWhat do they have in common? – PRACTICE!Don’t tell me (actually yourself) you can’t...

Recorded Training Calls

Are you interested in seeing what others are saying about their karatbars network?Do you need help or tips to understand how to better explain your future endeavors?No problem!We have a list of recorded training calls / coaching to help you!Recorded Training CallDerek...